Monday, January 6, 2020

Why People Have Tattoos, From An Ipa Perspective - 2906 Words

Abstract The research aims to look at why people have tattoos, from an IPA perspective. Social influences, perceptions and motivations behind the art of tattooing will hold prevalence within the data. A considerable amount of data already exist on the motivations, perceptions and social influences into the art of tattooing, this research merely exists to expand on this. Although it would appear tattooing is prevalent among the young and middle class women, and generally becoming accepted within society as a whole, the stigmatisation still exist. The research suggests perceptual biases towards women and tattoos and stigmatisation within the workplace appear to be prevalent in tattooed individuals. It would appear the main motivational aspect of tattooing seem to be ‘just wanting one’ and a form of self-identification and uniqueness. The research appears to fit with previous findings on tattoos. The social influences of the art of tattooing: An IPA approach With an influx of celebrities opting to accessorise with forms of body art that appear to influence; adolescence, young adults and middle class women to adorn tattoos, there has seen a rise in body modifications within western society (Tiggermann Golder, 2006; Swami Furnham, 2007; Sierra, Jillapalli Badrinarayanan; Wohlrab et al, 2007). The art of tattooing has become more socially acceptable thanks to an increase in media exposure of well-known faces adorning tattoos (Sierra et al, 2013). Originally tattoos were

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